Optolong L-eNhance


  • 1.25″ Mounted
  • 2″ Mounted (48mm thread)
  • Canon EOS APS-C Clip-in

Spectral Transmission

Yellow line is published transmission. Color fill is my independent verification with the filter I tested.

Physical Characteristics of 2″ Filter

  • Filter mount thickness: above threads: 4.97mm; including threads: 6.93mm
  • 48mm threads with 0.75mm spacing
  • Minimal knurling only on top
  • Dual bandpass narrowband filter
  • Inner retaining ring does have notches for easy filter disassembly with a spanner
  • Width of the glass filter without the filter mount is 45.93mm

Real World Tests

Bortle 8, Stock Canon EOS T7, 464mm f.l., f/5.4, ISO3200, 36 min. integration (9*4″). Open full-size image in new tab.
Bortle 8, Full Spectrum Modified Canon 60D, 464mm f.l., f/5.4, ISO3200, 36 min. integration (9*4″). Open full-size image in new tab.

Comparisons to No Filter

Before Image After Image
Stock Canon T7 - No filter vs. Optolong L-eNhance

Before Image After Image
Full Spectrum Modified Canon 60D - No filter vs. Optolong L-eNhance

Reader Rating93 Votes
Excellent Value
Transmits the Ha and [OIII] emission lines at over 85% transmission
Blocks light pollution better than typical light pollution filters
Results appear noisier with less contrast than some competitors because the filter passes more light pollution
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  1. Hi Nico! I just wanted to ask, how would you rate this filter? I’m a beginner and I also have a low budget and I don’t know what to choose.

    1. Hi Andrei, it’s a great filter for shooting emission nebulae with a color camera from the city. I have no reservations about recommending it. I think it fairly priced.

  2. Hi Nico,
    Thank you for all of your very helpful videos about astrophotography. I have been doing a bit of astrophotography with my tripod and a borrowed star tracker. I plan to purchase a ZWO AM3 for use with my Canon R5 and Canon lenses. Are there any narrowband astro filters with 77mm and 82mm threads?
    Thank you for your help.
    Mike Dorward

  3. I watched your video on this as I really wanted to start capturing red nebulae, and I just managed to get one of these for less than 30% retail value on eBay, I am super stoked to use it! Need to get some stepdown adapters to use on my tele lens but man I can’t wait. Cheers for the review!

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